Owner list

The number of shares in Energy Save as of December 31, 2024 was 6,586,161, corresponding to a share capital of SEK 16,465,392.30. The largest shareholders are Christian Gulbrandsen with 14.0 percent, Fredrik Sävenstrand through Project Air AB with 13.6 percent, Nordea funds with 7.9 percent, and UBS AB London Branch with 5.6 percent.

Name A-shares B-shares Holdings, % Vote, %
Gulbrandsen, Christian 674.320 245.385 14.0 37.3
Sävenstrand, Fredrik C/O Project Air AB 674.320 223.670 13.6 37.2
Nordea Fonder 0 519.006 7.9 2.8
UBS AB London Branch 0 365.950 5.6 2.0
Ålandsbanken Fonder 0 306.521 4.7 1.6
Partner Fondkommission AB 0 295.720 4.5 1.6
Avanza Pension 0 266.355 3.4 1.2
Carnegie Onder (former Didner & Gerge Fonder) 0 195.122 3.0 1.0
Henrik Nilsson 0 191.300 2.9 1.0
Theodor Jeansson Jr. 0 176.952 2.8 1.0
Total top 10 1.348.640 2.785.981 62.4 86.7
Other 0 2.451.540 37.6 13.3
Total 1.348.640 5.237.521 100.0 100.0


Scandinavian design
Our energy solutions are designed in Scandinavia with top class power and efficiency.
Top quality for the nordic climate
Our products meet the high nordic
requirements for functionality and power
even at extreme outdoor temperatures.
Safe installation & service
Complete delivery and installation.
New integration possibillities
Our systems enable integration with your other heat sources.
Green clean tech with massive savings
The importance of heat pumps are steadily increasing in energy conversion in Europe and around the world.
The technical solution, investment and saving
Your chance to easily create a better property transaction.